Food & Product Photography


Food & Product Photography


Having quality images of your product and facilities are invaluable. In the restaurant industry, your clientele eat first with their eyes, So it is important that we entice them visually with the quality of your product.

Rather than employing the additional service (and accompanying fee) of a food stylist and prop stylist, We prefer to work directly with your chef/cooks/mixologist to capture an honest visual representation of your work as delivered to the customer. We want to represent your work at its finest, as it leaves the kitchen and is served to the guests.


Clean, high quality images of your products are key in selling your items. These images are the online representation of your business when customers aren’t there to see, and feel the item for themselves.   The few ways you can present your item to prospects, are with your branding, website, product descriptions and product photos. However, without good product photos, you might as well have no product to sell.

We bring our studio right into your business, shooting all images on location to further capture your product as the customer sees it, for the best representation of your product. However for more detailed or creative shots, we can shoot your item in a studio setting, or even outdoors on location to add an interesting background element to really draw the customer in.

First hour: $200

Each additional hour: $150

Half Day (4 hours): $500

Full Day (6 hours): $750

Rates include:


Pre-shoot consultation

Photo session (on location, or location of choice)

Image processing/editing for maximum quality

High resolution images on DVD